Trustworthy Attorney
By combining a fundamental understanding of the big picture with the complexity of daily interactions and experiences, Keith Martin provides proactive solutions to a diversity of clients in Virginia. He has the template for every jurisdiction’s deed of subdivision, easement, right-of-way dedication, and vacation. He also prepares deeds of gift and quit claims to transfer title to a property.
Also due to recent legislation, I can now prepare Transfer on Death deeds. Pursuant to the recently enacted provisions of the Uniform Real Property Transfer Act, Virginia Code Sec. 64.2-621, Virginians may record the transfer on death deed for their property. The deed is tax exempt and grantor may revoke it at any time. The deed must be recorded prior the death of the grantor. Happy to set up such a deed for you just give me a call!
After zoning entitlement or during the subdivision process deeds are often required to be recorded in county land records.
I have the template for every jurisdiction’s deed of subdivision, easement, right-of-way dedication, and vacation. I also prepare deeds of gift and quit claim to transfer title to a property.